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Kasim Suvorov
Kasim Suvorov

Why You Need Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 for Your Serial Port or Device

Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 Download Google

If you are looking for a software tool that can help you with serial communication and data analysis, you may want to check out Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61. This is a set of software tools developed by Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft that can capture, monitor, record and analyze serial data from various devices and protocols. In this article, we will explain what are Mini Serial Soft Tools, why do you need them, how to download them, how to install them, how to use them, what are their features and benefits, what are their limitations and drawbacks, how to update them and how to uninstall them.

mini serial soft tools v2.61 download google

What are Mini Serial Soft Tools?

Mini Serial Soft Tools are a set of software tools that can help you with serial communication and data analysis. They include:

  • Mini Serial Sniffer: A tool that can capture serial data from any serial port or device.

  • Mini Serial Monitor: A tool that can monitor serial data in real-time with various views and options.

  • Mini Serial Recorder: A tool that can record serial data to files or databases for later analysis.

  • Mini Serial Analyzer: A tool that can analyze serial data with calculations, conversions, simulations and tests.

  • Mini Serial Report: A tool that can generate reports, graphs and statistics on serial data.

Mini Serial Soft Tools are compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS operating systems. They support various serial protocols and devices, such as RS232, RS485, RS422, USB, Bluetooth, Arduino, etc.

Why do you need Mini Serial Soft Tools?

You may need Mini Serial Soft Tools if you want to:

  • Capture serial data from various devices for testing or debugging purposes.

  • Monitor serial data in real-time for troubleshooting or learning purposes.

  • Record serial data to files or databases for later analysis or documentation purposes.

  • Analyze serial data with calculations, conversions, simulations and tests for problem-solving or optimization purposes.

  • Generate reports, graphs and statistics on serial data for presentation or evaluation purposes.

Mini Serial Soft Tools can help you with any serial communication or data analysis task that involves serial devices or protocols.

How to download Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

To download Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to visit the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft. The website address is:

On the website, you can find information about Mini Serial Soft Tools, such as features, screenshots, videos, testimonials, FAQs, etc. You can also find links to download Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 for different operating systems and devices.

To download Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to choose the version that suits your operating system and device. For example:

  • If you have a Windows PC or laptop, you need to download mini_serial_soft_tools_v261_windows.exe.

  • If you have a Mac OS X PC or laptop, you need to download mini_serial_soft_tools_v261_macosx.dmg.

  • If you have a Linux PC or laptop, you need to download mini_serial_soft_tools_v261_linux.tar.gz.

  • If you have an Android smartphone or tablet, you need to download mini_serial_soft_tools_v261_android.apk.

  • If you have an iOS smartphone or tablet, you need to download mini_serial_soft_tools_v261_ios.ipa.

To download Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to click on the download link of your choice and follow the instructions on your screen.

How to install Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

To install Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to run the setup file that you downloaded from the website. The setup file will guide you through the installation process step by step.

To install Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to:

  • Run the setup file by double-clicking on it or tapping on it.

  • Accept the license agreement by clicking on "I Continuing the article: Agree" or "Yes".

  • Choose the destination folder and components to install by clicking on "Browse" or "Next".

  • Click on the "Install" button and wait for the installation to complete.

  • Click on the "Finish" button and launch the Mini Serial Soft Tools application.

To install Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you may also need to enter your license key if you have purchased one. The license key will activate the full version of Mini Serial Soft Tools and unlock all the features and benefits.

How to use Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

To use Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to connect your serial device to your computer or mobile device. You can use any serial port or device that is supported by Mini Serial Soft Tools, such as RS232, RS485, RS422, USB, Bluetooth, Arduino, etc.

To use Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to:

  • Connect your serial device to your computer or mobile device using a cable, adapter or wireless connection.

  • Launch the Mini Serial Soft Tools application by clicking on its icon or tapping on it.

  • Select the serial port and configure the settings by clicking on the "Port" or "Settings" button.

  • Start capturing, monitoring, recording or analyzing serial data by clicking on the "Start" or "Run" button.

  • Stop capturing, monitoring, recording or analyzing serial data by clicking on the "Stop" or "Pause" button.

  • Save, load, edit or filter serial data by clicking on the "File" or "Edit" menu.

  • Perform calculations, conversions, simulations or tests on serial data by clicking on the "Tools" or "Analyze" menu.

  • Generate reports, graphs or statistics on serial data by clicking on the "Report" or "Graph" menu.

To use Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you can also switch between different views and options by clicking on the tabs or buttons at the top or bottom of the application window. You can also access more features and functions by right-clicking on the serial data or using keyboard shortcuts.

What are the features and benefits of Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 has many features and benefits that can help you with serial communication and data analysis. Some of them are:

  • Supports various serial protocols and devices: You can use Mini Serial Soft Tools with any serial port or device that is supported by your operating system or device, such as RS232, RS485, RS422, USB, Bluetooth, Arduino, etc. You can also use Mini Serial Soft Tools with multiple serial ports or devices at the same time.

  • Provides a user-friendly interface with multiple views and options: You can use Mini Serial Soft Tools with a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to switch between different views and options easily. You can choose from text view, hex view, table view, terminal view, plot view, etc. You can also customize the appearance and behavior of Mini Serial Soft Tools according to your preferences.

  • Allows you to save, load, edit and filter serial data: You can use Mini Serial Soft Tools to save, load, edit and filter serial data in various formats and ways. You can save serial data to files or databases for later analysis or documentation purposes. You can load serial data from files or databases for further processing or comparison purposes. You can edit serial data manually or automatically using various tools and functions. You can filter serial data by criteria or keywords using various filters and expressions.

  • Enables you to perform calculations, conversions, simulations and tests on serial data: You can use Mini Serial Soft Tools to perform calculations, conversions, simulations and tests on serial data using various tools and functions. You can perform calculations such as checksum, CRC, LRC, etc. on serial data using various algorithms and parameters. You can convert serial data to different formats such as ASCII, binary, decimal, hexadecimal, etc. using various options and methods. You can simulate serial data by generating, sending or receiving serial data using various protocols and commands. You can test serial data by verifying, comparing or validating serial data using various criteria and rules.

  • Helps you to generate reports, graphs and statistics on serial data: You can use Mini Serial Soft Tools to generate reports, graphs and statistics on serial data using various tools and functions. You can generate reports such as summary, detail, log, etc. on serial data using various formats and options. You can generate graphs such as line, bar, pie, etc. on serial data using various types and styles. You can generate statistics such as count, average, minimum, maximum, etc. on serial data using various measures and methods.

Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 has many more features and benefits that can help you with serial communication and data analysis. You can find more information about them on the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft.

What are the limitations and drawbacks of Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 has some limitations and drawbacks that may affect your experience with serial communication and data analysis. Some of them are:

  • Requires a valid license key to activate the full version: You can use Mini Serial Soft Tools for free for a limited period of time or with limited features and functions. To use Mini Serial Soft Tools without any restrictions or limitations, you need to purchase a license key from the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft. The license key will cost you $49.99 for a single user license or $99.99 for a multi-user license.

  • May not work with some incompatible or outdated serial devices or drivers: You may encounter some problems or errors when using Mini Serial Soft Tools with some incompatible or outdated serial devices or drivers. For example, some serial devices may not be recognized by Mini Serial Soft Tools, some serial drivers may cause conflicts with Mini Serial Soft Tools, some serial protocols may not be supported by Mini Serial Soft Tools, etc. To avoid these problems or errors, you need to make sure that your serial devices and drivers are compatible and updated with Mini Serial Soft Tools.

  • May consume a lot of system resources and affect performance: You may notice that your computer or mobile device becomes slower or less responsive when using Mini Serial Soft Tools. This is because Mini Serial Soft Tools may consume a lot of system resources, such as CPU, memory, disk space, etc. To avoid this, you need to close other applications or programs that are not needed when using Mini Serial Soft Tools. You also need to adjust the settings of Mini Serial Soft Tools to reduce the amount of data or functions that are processed or displayed.

Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 has some other limitations and drawbacks that may affect your experience with serial communication and data analysis. You can find more information about them on the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft.

How to update Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

To update Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to check for updates regularly on the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft. The website address is:

On the website, you can find information about the latest version of Mini Serial Soft Tools, such as features, bug fixes, improvements, etc. You can also find links to download the latest version of Mini Serial Soft Tools for different operating systems and devices.

To update Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to:

  • Visit the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft.

  • Choose the version that suits your operating system and device.

  • Click on the download link and follow the instructions.

  • Run the setup file and follow the instructions.

  • Enter your license key again if prompted.

To update Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you may also need to check for updates within the application by clicking on the "Help" or "About" menu and then clicking on the "Check for Updates" or "Update" button.

How to uninstall Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?

To uninstall Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to go to the control panel or settings of your operating system or device. You need to find and select Mini Serial Soft Tools in the list of installed programs or applications. You need to click on the uninstall button and confirm your choice.

To uninstall Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you need to:

  • Go to the control panel or settings of your operating system or device.

  • Find and select Mini Serial Soft Tools in the list of installed programs or applications.

  • Click on the uninstall button and confirm your choice.

  • Delete any remaining files or folders related to Mini Serial Soft Tools.

To uninstall Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61, you may also need to remove your license key from your computer or mobile device by deleting it from the registry or preferences.


Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 is a powerful and versatile software tool for serial communication and data analysis. It can help you to capture, monitor, record and analyze serial data from various devices and protocols. It can also help you to test, debug and troubleshoot serial applications and problems. You can download it from the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft for free or purchase a license key for more features and benefits.

If you are interested in serial communication and data analysis, you may want to try out

How can I get a license key for Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?You can get a license key for Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 by purchasing one from the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft. The license key will cost you $49.99 for a single user license or $99.99 for a multi-user license. The license key will activate the full version of Mini Serial Soft Tools and unlock all the features and benefits. You can also get a free trial license key for Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 by requesting one from the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft. The free trial license key will allow you to use Mini Serial Soft Tools for a limited period of time or with limited features and functions.

How can I contact the support team of Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?You can contact the support team of Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 by sending an email to or You can also visit the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft and fill out the contact form or use the live chat feature. The support team of Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 will respond to your queries or issues as soon as possible.

How can I give feedback or suggestions for Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?You can give feedback or suggestions for Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 by sending an email to or You can also visit the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft and fill out the feedback form or use the rating and review feature. The developers of Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 will appreciate your feedback or suggestions and use them to improve Mini Serial Soft Tools in the future.

How can I learn more about Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61?You can learn more about Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 by visiting the official website of Arnosoft Arturo and Accelero Soft. The website address is:

On the website, you can find more information about Mini Serial Soft Tools, such as features, screenshots, videos, testimonials, FAQs, etc. You can also find links to download Mini Serial Soft Tools V2.61 for different operating systems and devices.


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